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- Create Date July 6, 2019
- Last Updated December 7, 2020
Is Blockchain the missing internet link? Reality, Integration, Adoption and Mainstream.
Research article and Overview by Dr. Tali Rezun
The internet changed the way we live, it opened the ways of unlimited communication and revolutionized access to information, but it failed greatly in regards to our personal digital freedom. Instead of providing trust, granted privacy, security, audibility, peer-to-peer communication, simplification and digital money, it evolved in to a system of global intermediaries, that manipulate our private data and charge a percentage for every interaction. There is a new technology at the horizon called blockchain, that in its core excludes any intermediary’s, it brings peer-to-peer communication, online trust, security, privacy, authenticity, identity, synchronize ledger and much more. Could this be the long-waited solution that could upgrade the internet and how it’s evolving?
Keywords: internet, digital transformation, cryptocurrency, blockchain technology, decentralization, peer-to-peer, online trust, online security, online privacy, libra